
Dolibarr 10.0.0 rilasciato ufficialmente

Dolibarr 10.0.0 è disponibile al download al seguente link:

La versione 10.0.0 di Dolibarr rilasciata il 30 giugno 2019 è considerata una “Major Release” ed introduce alcune novità importanti sia per gli utilizzatori del sistema che per gli sviluppatori.

Ecco il changelog completo (in inglese):


***** ChangeLog for 10.0.0 compared to 9.0.0 *****
For Users:
NEW: Module "Ticket" is available as a stable module.
NEW: Module "Email Collector" is available as a stable module.
NEW: Module "TakePOS" is available as a stable module.
NEW: Experimental module "Vendor receptions".
NEW: Experimental module "BOM".
NEW: Accounting - Add default accounting account for member subcriptions.
NEW: Accounting - More comprehensive menu.
NEW: Agenda/event - add description column available in list (hidden by default).
NEW: Add accounting account for result.
NEW: Add accounting code for EEC sales and export sales on products.
NEW: Add a security permission to edit php dynamic content on the WebSite module.
NEW: Attached document on bank account are now visible in automatic ECM.
NEW: Add Autofill Remainder Amount picto on the Expense Report Payment Page.
NEW: Add contact status in category export
NEW: Add Default Warehouse to user record (if module stock is on)
NEW: Add employee/user to subledger account list
NEW: Add gender in member card
NEW: Add getFormatedCustomerRef and getFormatedSupplierRef methods
NEW: Add history to view and print previous sales on TakePos.
NEW: Add import of accounting account for intra/export selling on product card
NEW: Adding code to show update date of supplier price shown
NEW: Add line total on list of payments
NEW: Add LinkedIn field in social network module
NEW: Add more complete error messages in log on stripe payments
NEW: Add no_email field in contact list
NEW: Add notes are show in tooltips
NEW: Add option DONATION_USE_THIRDPARTIES in admin of membership module
NEW: add page to setup opening hours of the company
NEW: add payments table to pdf of expense report
NEW: add payment terms to invoices list
NEW: Add picto of deletion on mass action combo lists
NEW: add product extrafields available into shipping export
NEW: add ref supplier on supplier invoice
NEW: Add stats on entries & movements by fiscal year
NEW: Add subledger in various payment module
NEW: Add tag for ODT generation for localtax rates
NEW: Add the now link when creating expense report
NEW: Ask date of invoice when using the Clone feature.
NEW: auto event msg
NEW: Automatically binding for intra/export accountancy code in customer list
NEW: automatic / manual selector form
NEW: Better explanation for setup of WebDav module
NEW: Can add more lines on situation invoices at end of project when there is extra to add.
NEW: Can change the customer account of an instance
NEW: Can choose the root category to show products for TakePOS module
NEW: Can edit supplier on draft order supplier
NEW: Can enter price with or without tax when entering expense repor line
NEW: Can filter on the date of period for social contributions
NEW: Can generate invoices from the timespent entered on a project
NEW: Can update product supplier price ref
NEW: Can upload files from the edit page of expense report
NEW: Color for hover and for checked line is on by default
NEW: Column of parent company is available in list of third parties
NEW: conditionnal add member button by statut
NEW: Contact related items tab
NEW: Can create of supplier invoice from a reception
NEW: Ensure External RSS Links Open in New Window
NEW: Export available for reception module
NEW: Extend import option to Order's card and Propal's card
NEW: filter by thirdparty on report CA by prod/serv
NEW: Save space by moving the meteo on the title line
NEW: Get the list of groups of a user with the REST API.
NEW: Hidden option MAIN_CAN_EDIT_SUPPLIER_ON_SUPPLIER_ORDER to edit supplier on draft supplier order
NEW: Improve Displaying Shortcut Access Keys in Navigation.
NEW: Improve Expensereport, Inverse Receiver.
NEW: Improve pdf description item visibitity.
NEW: Introduce a config parameter $dolibarr_main_instance_unique_id
NEW: Introduce css "nobottomiftotal"
NEW: Introduce PhpSpreadsheet for export (need php5.6+)
NEW: Invoice creation from the timesheet
NEW: Can list remote stripe's payout in a dedicated page.
NEW: Manage account sell_intra & sell_export in page accoutancy admin default product
NEW: Manage loan schedule.
NEW: Manage status of member types.
NEW: Mass action "create bills" for validated reception
NEW: Measuring unit are now defined into an editable dictionary. Add product size/unit into product import.
NEW: Template pdf 'canelle_reception' displays linked reception lines.
NEW: Moral/physic status can be defined at member type level
NEW: Pagination into list of time spent.
NEW: Performance enhancement (Replace dirname(__FILE__) with __DIR__)
NEW: POS support in order (ex: online cart).
NEW: Preview of images into the filemanager component.
NEW: Resource module can be used in products/services (in a dedicated tab)
NEW: Retrieve invoice infos from order when billing shipment
NEW: Save and display type of membership in subscription table for more explicit historic
NEW: Setup default thirdparty type (customer or prospect/customer)
NEW: Add shipping "set draft" button and can update lines.
NEW: show in blod, the invoice amount where we came from, when making payment
NEW: Show product dimensions in product tooltips.
NEW: Show the latest date of subscription in member statistics reports.
NEW: Sort list of templates alphabetically
NEW: Stripe Payment Intent (need option to use this new Stripe api method)
NEW: Can support barcode on supplier price references.
NEW: Support tag {ccc} on payment ref
NEW: The preview of PDF files generates only 1 png file, even if several pages.
NEW: Can select a Thirdparty object in donation module if option ON.
NEW: Tooltip with VAT amount and price incl tax on lines of objects.
NEW: Unsubscribed emails are now stored in a dedicated table.
NEW: Update working chkbxlst filter for lists.
NEW: Use ajax switch into setup of donation.php and multi-currency module.
NEW: use recipient language when generating the fullname for emails.
NEW: When you create product or service, sell accountancy account by default is suggested.
NEW: Widget birthdays of the month.
NEW: Option in workflow module to set a reception billed on validate supplier bill.
NEW: Autocompletion on lists should be available on mobile applications.
NEW: Add mass action to close several members.
NEW: Add hidden option ADD_UNSPLASH_LOGIN_BACKGROUND for random background
NEW: Add hidden option to be ready for BREXIT

For Developers:
NEW: Module "DebugBar" is available as a stable module.
NEW: Add API REST for donations
NEW: Add a script 'purge-data.php' to purge data older than a defined creation date
NEW: Add function isValidVATID() to heck syntax of a VAT ID/number.
NEW: Add document's product support in APIs
NEW: Add REST API: get the list of objects in a category.
NEW: Update Stripe library to 6.35
NEW: Upgrade jquery lib to 3.3.1
NEW: Add hook 'addHtmlHeader()'
NEW: Add hook 'createRecurringInvoices()'
NEW: Add hook 'afterSelectContactOptions'
NEW: Add hook 'getAccessForbiddenMessage'
NEW: Add hook support in accountancy index
NEW: Add hook support in list of template invoices
NEW: Add parameter 'replaceambiguouschars' on getRandomPassword function
NEW: Add property 'noteditable' in modulebuilder
NEW: Add the current modulepart into the Conf class object
NEW: Add visibility with value 4 in framework to define fields to show
NEW: More option to tune initialization of a new module with modulebuilder.
NEW: Add REST API to list currencies
NEW: REST API Proposal, Orders, Invoices: Add contact details
NEW: hidden option to change concat order of description/product label.
NEW: Enhance management of webhooks
NEW: Generation of doc by modulebuilder can include README and CHANGELOG
NEW: massfilesarea feature is possible for external modules
NEW: Show list of enabled modules in dol_print_error().
NEW: Simplification of CSS styles of default themes.
NEW: Clean code of a lot of deprecated code.
NEW: Add hidden option to set a search entry to the top
NEW: add hidden option NO_CONCAT_DESCRIPTION
NEW: Hidden conf to improve pdf desc item visibitity
NEW: Look and feel v10 - Add CSS 'tabBarNoTop'

È disponibile la nuova versione 3.5.3

Da oggi è possibile scaricare la 3.5.3, una nuova versione minore del ramo 3.5 di Dolibarr ERP & CRM.
La versione 3.5.3 contiene solo correzioni di bug presenti nel ramo 3.5.

Il team di sviluppo consiglia di aggiornare a tutti coloro che stanno attualmente usando le versioni 3.5.0 e 3.5.1 e 3.5.2. Come per le precedenti versioni di manutenzione, anche la 3.5.3 non contiene nuove feature, né cambiamenti nella struttura dei dati.

Per il download diretto della nuova release aprite il seguente link.