
Dolibarr 10.0.1 rilasciato ufficialmente

Dolibarr 10.0.1 è disponibile al download al seguente link:

La versione 10.0.1 di Dolibarr rilasciata il 3 agosto 2019 è considerata una “Minor Release” ma è molto importante per chi ha installato la versione 10.0.0 effettuare subito l’aggiornamento.

Ecco il changelog completo (in inglese):

***** ChangeLog for 10.0.1 compared to 10.0.0 *****
FIX: #10930
FIX: #10984 FIX: reposition on "Build backup" button
FIX: #11400
FIX: #11412
FIX: #11460 FIX: #11492 FIX: #11576 FIX: #11590
FIX: #11463
FIX: #11466
FIX: #11498
FIX: #11505
FIX: #11506
FIX: #11507
FIX: #11509
FIX: #11537
FIX: #11543
FIX: #11553
FIX: #11584
FIX: accounting mode must be taken from global conf, because there's no way to choose a mode with interface
FIX: Add message from public interface
FIX: add missing hook calls
FIX: Add warning when setup is strange
FIX: ajax call for line positioning when CSRFCHECK_WITH_TOKEN is on
FIX: API return 404 sometimes even if API exists
FIX: Attachment was lost when we validate an expense report
FIX: avoid conflict with "$classname" in card.php
FIX: Bad sql request
FIX: better compatibility with multicompany transverse mode
FIX: Better PHP compatibility
FIX: Block to link with tickets
FIX: Can't submit a ticket from public interface
FIX: categories import: prevent mismatch between category type and object type
FIX: Closing ticket from public interface
FIX: Column 'paid' missing in expense report
FIX: compatibility mysql 8. rank is reserved
FIX: Computed field were not calculated into lists.
FIX: Content of email for subscription
FIX: correct error in files with multiple spaces
FIX: CVE-2019-11199
FIX: delete of links between objects
FIX: div not balanced
FIX: do not return formatted prices in json string
FIX: duplicate on the check (TODO field $onetrtd not used ?)
FIX: element name in update_price
FIX: empty product_use_units in product configuration
FIX: expedition card: infinite loop for printObjectLine hook if return > 0
FIX: extrafield loading bug due to assumption that an object is a third party while it may be a contact if MAIN_USE_COMPANY_NAME_OF_CONTACT is set.
FIX: Fatal error on dol_htmloutput_mesg with corrupted array
FIX: Fatal situation if payment removed on expense report. Action
FIX: FEC Format - Missing date_creation in general ledger when you add a new transaction
FIX: FEC Format - Save translation of the journal label in database & nowrap on amount
FIX: floating point precision errors in the triggers of the workflow module
FIX: for #11232
FIX: format of field with type timestamp
FIX: fournrprice log for insert
FIX: help text
FIX: import filter error
FIX: __INFOS__ tag not exists
FIX: issue #9300: install error with PostgreSQL using custom table prefix
FIX: issue #9300: install error with PostgreSQL when using custom table prefix
FIX: Language key
FIX: Limit of uploaded files (max_post_size was not used)
FIX: list of balance of leaves
FIX: minor spelling issues
FIX: missing "dropdown-icon" replacement
FIX: Missing field "Conciliated" into bank transaction export
FIX: missing filter by current contact
FIX: missing token
FIX: Missing where on entity
FIX: move sql request in INNER JOIN
FIX: name was able to be in field but went back to new line
FIX: Nowrap on amount
FIX: Online payment
FIX: on shipment delete confirm dialog, a new checkbox allows the user to choose if they want their stock re-incremented after the deletion.
FIX: option EXPORT_LABEL_FOR_SELECT to restore compatibility in export
FIX: outdated phpdoc
FIX: Permission for BOM menu
FIX: permission to delete a draft purchase order
FIX: phpcs
FIX: Position was lost when we edit the line of template invoice
FIX: product_use_units was set to 0 each time a conf in block other was set
FIX: propal createFrom hook: undefined parameter attached
FIX: Responsive of public interface of ticket
FIX: search by phone pro
FIX: Setup of TakePos was not possible after a clean install
FIX: Show list of events on tickets
FIX: socpeople assigned list in action com list
FIX: SQL problem on donation & nowrap on amount
FIX: stock increase on shipment deletion if STOCK_CALCULATE_ON_SHIPMENT_NEW: is set
FIX: stripe webhook ID constant set
FIX: summary of time spent in preview tab of projects
FIX: the feature to bill time spent was not enabled.
FIX: The new feature to attach document on lines was not correclty
FIX: The proposed new supplier code does not work
FIX: this function can not be private
FIX: tk9877 - PDF rouget requires product.lib.php (otherwise measuring_units_string() is not defined)
FIX: Update the file index table when we validate/rename a ref.
FIX: use rounding to compare the amounts
FIX: We must save code instead of value in database for template invoice modelpdf
FIX: we need to be able to add freeline with qty between 0 & 1 in supplierorder line
FIX: We should remove property comments only for project and task api.
FIX: When saving an action it didn't save the label based on the type of event if the label is empty and the type is customized
FIX: when STOCK_CALCULATE_ON_SHIPMENT_NEW: is set, deleting a "closed" shipment now increases stock as expected
FIX: wrong path sociales/index.php doesnt exist anymore

Dolibarr 10.0.0 rilasciato ufficialmente

Dolibarr 10.0.0 è disponibile al download al seguente link:

La versione 10.0.0 di Dolibarr rilasciata il 30 giugno 2019 è considerata una “Major Release” ed introduce alcune novità importanti sia per gli utilizzatori del sistema che per gli sviluppatori.

Ecco il changelog completo (in inglese):


***** ChangeLog for 10.0.0 compared to 9.0.0 *****
For Users:
NEW: Module "Ticket" is available as a stable module.
NEW: Module "Email Collector" is available as a stable module.
NEW: Module "TakePOS" is available as a stable module.
NEW: Experimental module "Vendor receptions".
NEW: Experimental module "BOM".
NEW: Accounting - Add default accounting account for member subcriptions.
NEW: Accounting - More comprehensive menu.
NEW: Agenda/event - add description column available in list (hidden by default).
NEW: Add accounting account for result.
NEW: Add accounting code for EEC sales and export sales on products.
NEW: Add a security permission to edit php dynamic content on the WebSite module.
NEW: Attached document on bank account are now visible in automatic ECM.
NEW: Add Autofill Remainder Amount picto on the Expense Report Payment Page.
NEW: Add contact status in category export
NEW: Add Default Warehouse to user record (if module stock is on)
NEW: Add employee/user to subledger account list
NEW: Add gender in member card
NEW: Add getFormatedCustomerRef and getFormatedSupplierRef methods
NEW: Add history to view and print previous sales on TakePos.
NEW: Add import of accounting account for intra/export selling on product card
NEW: Adding code to show update date of supplier price shown
NEW: Add line total on list of payments
NEW: Add LinkedIn field in social network module
NEW: Add more complete error messages in log on stripe payments
NEW: Add no_email field in contact list
NEW: Add notes are show in tooltips
NEW: Add option DONATION_USE_THIRDPARTIES in admin of membership module
NEW: add page to setup opening hours of the company
NEW: add payments table to pdf of expense report
NEW: add payment terms to invoices list
NEW: Add picto of deletion on mass action combo lists
NEW: add product extrafields available into shipping export
NEW: add ref supplier on supplier invoice
NEW: Add stats on entries & movements by fiscal year
NEW: Add subledger in various payment module
NEW: Add tag for ODT generation for localtax rates
NEW: Add the now link when creating expense report
NEW: Ask date of invoice when using the Clone feature.
NEW: auto event msg
NEW: Automatically binding for intra/export accountancy code in customer list
NEW: automatic / manual selector form
NEW: Better explanation for setup of WebDav module
NEW: Can add more lines on situation invoices at end of project when there is extra to add.
NEW: Can change the customer account of an instance
NEW: Can choose the root category to show products for TakePOS module
NEW: Can edit supplier on draft order supplier
NEW: Can enter price with or without tax when entering expense repor line
NEW: Can filter on the date of period for social contributions
NEW: Can generate invoices from the timespent entered on a project
NEW: Can update product supplier price ref
NEW: Can upload files from the edit page of expense report
NEW: Color for hover and for checked line is on by default
NEW: Column of parent company is available in list of third parties
NEW: conditionnal add member button by statut
NEW: Contact related items tab
NEW: Can create of supplier invoice from a reception
NEW: Ensure External RSS Links Open in New Window
NEW: Export available for reception module
NEW: Extend import option to Order's card and Propal's card
NEW: filter by thirdparty on report CA by prod/serv
NEW: Save space by moving the meteo on the title line
NEW: Get the list of groups of a user with the REST API.
NEW: Hidden option MAIN_CAN_EDIT_SUPPLIER_ON_SUPPLIER_ORDER to edit supplier on draft supplier order
NEW: Improve Displaying Shortcut Access Keys in Navigation.
NEW: Improve Expensereport, Inverse Receiver.
NEW: Improve pdf description item visibitity.
NEW: Introduce a config parameter $dolibarr_main_instance_unique_id
NEW: Introduce css "nobottomiftotal"
NEW: Introduce PhpSpreadsheet for export (need php5.6+)
NEW: Invoice creation from the timesheet
NEW: Can list remote stripe's payout in a dedicated page.
NEW: Manage account sell_intra & sell_export in page accoutancy admin default product
NEW: Manage loan schedule.
NEW: Manage status of member types.
NEW: Mass action "create bills" for validated reception
NEW: Measuring unit are now defined into an editable dictionary. Add product size/unit into product import.
NEW: Template pdf 'canelle_reception' displays linked reception lines.
NEW: Moral/physic status can be defined at member type level
NEW: Pagination into list of time spent.
NEW: Performance enhancement (Replace dirname(__FILE__) with __DIR__)
NEW: POS support in order (ex: online cart).
NEW: Preview of images into the filemanager component.
NEW: Resource module can be used in products/services (in a dedicated tab)
NEW: Retrieve invoice infos from order when billing shipment
NEW: Save and display type of membership in subscription table for more explicit historic
NEW: Setup default thirdparty type (customer or prospect/customer)
NEW: Add shipping "set draft" button and can update lines.
NEW: show in blod, the invoice amount where we came from, when making payment
NEW: Show product dimensions in product tooltips.
NEW: Show the latest date of subscription in member statistics reports.
NEW: Sort list of templates alphabetically
NEW: Stripe Payment Intent (need option to use this new Stripe api method)
NEW: Can support barcode on supplier price references.
NEW: Support tag {ccc} on payment ref
NEW: The preview of PDF files generates only 1 png file, even if several pages.
NEW: Can select a Thirdparty object in donation module if option ON.
NEW: Tooltip with VAT amount and price incl tax on lines of objects.
NEW: Unsubscribed emails are now stored in a dedicated table.
NEW: Update working chkbxlst filter for lists.
NEW: Use ajax switch into setup of donation.php and multi-currency module.
NEW: use recipient language when generating the fullname for emails.
NEW: When you create product or service, sell accountancy account by default is suggested.
NEW: Widget birthdays of the month.
NEW: Option in workflow module to set a reception billed on validate supplier bill.
NEW: Autocompletion on lists should be available on mobile applications.
NEW: Add mass action to close several members.
NEW: Add hidden option ADD_UNSPLASH_LOGIN_BACKGROUND for random background
NEW: Add hidden option to be ready for BREXIT

For Developers:
NEW: Module "DebugBar" is available as a stable module.
NEW: Add API REST for donations
NEW: Add a script 'purge-data.php' to purge data older than a defined creation date
NEW: Add function isValidVATID() to heck syntax of a VAT ID/number.
NEW: Add document's product support in APIs
NEW: Add REST API: get the list of objects in a category.
NEW: Update Stripe library to 6.35
NEW: Upgrade jquery lib to 3.3.1
NEW: Add hook 'addHtmlHeader()'
NEW: Add hook 'createRecurringInvoices()'
NEW: Add hook 'afterSelectContactOptions'
NEW: Add hook 'getAccessForbiddenMessage'
NEW: Add hook support in accountancy index
NEW: Add hook support in list of template invoices
NEW: Add parameter 'replaceambiguouschars' on getRandomPassword function
NEW: Add property 'noteditable' in modulebuilder
NEW: Add the current modulepart into the Conf class object
NEW: Add visibility with value 4 in framework to define fields to show
NEW: More option to tune initialization of a new module with modulebuilder.
NEW: Add REST API to list currencies
NEW: REST API Proposal, Orders, Invoices: Add contact details
NEW: hidden option to change concat order of description/product label.
NEW: Enhance management of webhooks
NEW: Generation of doc by modulebuilder can include README and CHANGELOG
NEW: massfilesarea feature is possible for external modules
NEW: Show list of enabled modules in dol_print_error().
NEW: Simplification of CSS styles of default themes.
NEW: Clean code of a lot of deprecated code.
NEW: Add hidden option to set a search entry to the top
NEW: add hidden option NO_CONCAT_DESCRIPTION
NEW: Hidden conf to improve pdf desc item visibitity
NEW: Look and feel v10 - Add CSS 'tabBarNoTop'